Custom USB Drives for Blizzard Entertainment
One of the great things about working at is all the cool companies and brands we get to collaborate with. Recently we had the pleasure of printing custom USB drives for Blizzard Entertainment, a company I have a lot of personal experience with. Blizzard is a video game developer and publisher, which will soon be celebrating 20 years since its inception. My personal experience with Blizzard stems back to 1994, when I was just a kid with my very first computer. I didn’t have any computer games, but I did have a demo for Blizzard’s first game, “Warcraft”, which I played incessantly. Since then I have been a loyal customer and have played many of their computer games, even to this day. Needless to say, when I learned we would be making an order of flash drives for them, I was pretty excited about it.
The drives Blizzard choose to use, are the SWM style USB drive, which is one of our top-selling flash drives. As you can see, it has a swivel cap where the logo is printed. This is convenient as the caps from flash drives often are misplaced. I think this design showcases how you do not need any gimmicks or an outrageous design to make attractive USB drives for marketing. In this case the logo speaks for itself, as anyone familiar with the brand can instantly recognize the brand. These drives really came out great and I hope Blizzard is as pleased with them as we are. What they will do with them is anyone’s guess, but I think it would be awesome if they made their next release available on flash drive! I would certainly buy one.