Elearning Strategies, Going Paperless

by admin on August 6th, 2010

ELogic Learning Flash Drives

ELogic Learning Flash Drives

These custom printed USB flash drives created for ELogic Learning are really sharp, and they offer an easy way to share information. Requests for custom printed flash drives come not just from distance learning and electronic learning centers, but your traditional brick-and-mortar colleges and schools as well. They offer an affordable way to present to prospective and current students information such as student handbooks, policies and procedures, and electronic textbooks. They also have the added benefit of re-usability for the students. Consider how going paperless can be beneficial to you business and shop for the style that fits you best.

  1. Malcom Reynolds permalink

    Those are some really creative USB drives. I can see how that would be a good marketing tool. But is there a discount or something for buying in bulk? If not, that could get pricey.

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